Instrumental Tuition in Schools

Sefton Music Service tutors currently teach over 6000 pupils per week in Whole Class Tuition and Instrumental/Vocal lessons. Music Service Tutors provide lessons to pupils in over 90% of Sefton schools. This includes a wide range of instruments, please see instruments we offer.

All Sefton Music Service tutors are quality assured by an independent QA consultant.

There are currently 856 pupils are involved in String, Brass, Wind, Percussion Groups (Djembe, Samba, Steel Pans), Jazz Bands and Orchestras which are run (at lunchtime or after school) every week in Schools by Music Service Tutors.

All tutors work to the Sefton Music Service Safeguarding Policy and are recruited through a process which fully meets safeguarding requirements. The Music Service has a pool of 60 experienced music tutors.